Oct 31, 2013

Courtney Cerruti Book Launch!

I am in Houston at the International Quilt Festival, and while it makes me sad that my friend Courntey Cerruti just left to fly back to San Francisco, I am excited to tell you that she flew back because her book Playing with Image Transfers debuts tomorrow, and she is flying back for the official book launch!  I am so bummed to not be there.....
Of all my friends who make art, she is by far the most prolific.  Following along with her on instagram is a joy- as she travels the country helping to produce Creativebug's artist videos, she is making her own work in a sure and steady way.  As she says in her own Creativebug trailer, "you can't wait for the perfect moment to make art, you just have to make it...."  I find her work and more importantly her practice of making work, wherever she is and no matter what she is doing so inspiring.

She just sent me a text from the Dallas airport where she is waiting out this Texas rain, and I am positive, positive, that she is sitting there making drawings.  She's a maker, and I'm so glad she's my friend.

So- if you are in San Francisco (or the East Bay!) Please go and toast Courtney on my behalf at one of these two events:

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