Two spots just opened up in my Ox-Bow class. It's the eleventh hour, but if you were thinking of joining me in Michigan, there is now an opportunity. The description is below- but there's more to Ox-Bow than the class. Come spend a week in the beautiful winter woods of western Michigan; eat amazing food, hang out with other artists, get away from it all and draw......hope to see you! *Room and Board assistance is available to help defer the cost!

Students of any level are invited to participate in this two-week course exploring a Maximalist Aesthetic with drawing, mark making, embroidery, appliqué, and beading. Taking inspiration from “outsider” artists, as well as contemporary art world models, students spend the first week loosening up and learning a bevy of surface embellishment techniques; improvising to create new methods of accumulative marks. Starting with contemporary drawing exercises combined with traditional embroidery techniques, students quickly develop their own vocabulary of mark making and additive processes. Drawing and sewing machines will take these ideas further, offering vigorous and immediate ways of making continuous lines and textures. The richly layered landscape and altered environment of Ox-Bow serve as both backdrop and jumping off point. Collaborative and individual projects are supplemented by a survey of contemporary art as well as historical examples, Individual and group critique keep things moving quickly.
When: January 4–January 17, 2012
Where: Ox-Bow School of the Arts, Saugatuck, Michigan. Learn more about how to register here.
*I am co-teaching this workshop with my friend Jesse Harrod.
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