Aug 25, 2010

Hard Telling, Not Knowing...

One of the most exciting parts about going to Haystack was the lobster dinner that was served out on the rocks during the middle weekend.  The work study students carried the feast nimbly through the woods and out onto the rocks.  There were no tables, no chairs, and no tools.  We used rocks and brute strength to crack open these tasty creatures. 

Here is my plate before I dug in.  With lots of help and laughter and butter I ate every last bite.  So much fun.  The next day, on a trip into the tiny little lobstering town of Stonington, I found this amazing lobster print at the V&S variety store:

I brought a half yard of it back to Haystack and asked one of my students, Mev, to over-dye it in a pot of turmeric that she had cooked up.   I love the butter background.  Not sure what it will become, but I thought I'd hang it out on the line today as a reminder of the cool breezes and sea treats of Maine.   I can't wait to return.

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