Aug 9, 2012

Image Transfers Are Up.......

This afternoon the Image Transfer Workshop launched on Creativebug.  This was one of my favorite workshops to film, because it's one of my favorite things to do!  If you've ever wondered how I stack up image after image in my own artwork, this workshop reveals lots of my secrets while cheering you along.
In addition to showing you two different ways to transfer and stack up images, I show lots of examples that I otherwise have not shown online.  Hooray for being able to share with a much wider audience!
I watched the entire Embroidery Sampler workshop yesterday, and I have to admit that I'm really proud of it- I think it's super clear, and the vantage point of the camera is just right for those that are new to stitching.  Although it seems like camera was glued right to my forehead during some demos, in fact it was Pierre Conti, the friendly French camera operator who was glued over my left shoulder the whole time.  So although I'm the one holding the needles and telling you what to do, he's the one you should really thank when you nail the french knot.

From the looks of the samplers that are flying of the virtual shelves over in the shop, lots of you will be  following along soon.  Please do send along images of your samplers and other projects.  I'm so excited that you want to try embroidery....

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